Monday, April 4, 2016

Clean Makeup Brushes = A Happy Clear Face ♡

I was always the pre-teen/teen with pretty nice skin, but if you would've told me I had a nice complexion, I would've asked you, "B***h, where"? Those couple of pimples made me very insecure. So insecure that I would use my mothers face powder to attempt to cover them(I was in the 7th grade). Being so young, I didn't have a skin care regimen. I just washed my face with the bar of soap I bathed with. As I got a little older I started to try different "zit creams". Some didn't work and one worked so good that my face saw it as a drug and quickly became addicted to it so when I didn't give my face what it craved it would turn on me and give me the face I never wanted...A FACE FULL OF ACNE AND BURNS. That product was Proactive.

I had to stop using that product because I never wanted to use a product that would make me have to use it for the rest of my life. After I trashed my proactive and let my face clear up naturally, I realized that I do have a nice complexion. As I became an older teenager and was almost done with high school I became interested in makeup, ALL things makeup. I learned that I really had to take care of my skin if I wanted my makeup to look flawless. I quickly learned that not only do you need great skin products that fit your skin type, you need a great product to clean your makeup brushes that will help you keep that flawless face.

"Why?" is it important to clean your brushes you ask? Have you ever not cleaned them and noticed multiple little bumps on your face? Specifically the cheek area? Yeah? You're not cleaning your brushes enough or not cleaning them well enough. You should clean them after every use especially face brushes and especially if you do makeup on other people. When you don't clean them, you are allowing bacteria to grow and live inside your bristles and then you transfer them to your face causing those little bumps.

 The brush on the left is dirty from multiple uses and the brush on the right was recently cleaned using Coastal Scents Brush Shampoo Cleanser. It took one go around and the brush was fully cleaned.
They're numerous ways and numerous products to get clean brushes. I've used homemade products as well as store bought products. If you're interested in a DIY Brush Cleaner, I have a video from my YouTube channel below that shows you two household items that can be used as a great brush cleaner. If you want to buy a brush cleaner to save time then keep reading.

Coastal Scents sells this AWESOME brush cleaner called Brush Shampoo Cleaner($4.95) that's affordable(everything on Coastal Scents is affordable actually). Not only does it not damage your bank account, it cleans better and faster than anything I've ever tried. I use my palm to clean my brushes because it's free(it's connected to me lol) and within two swipes back and forth, my brush is completely clean and ready to be rinsed. This product also conditions the bristles and fibers, offering a soft finish.

If you happen to still be interested in the homemade brush cleaner I mentioned earlier, here is the video. Let me know if you try either one. ğŸ’‹ iCRAiZ - The Makeup Eater

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